Ragnarok Project Zero New Low Rate Server 5x/5x/5x

Ragnarok Project Zero New Low Rate Server 5x/5x/5x

Today we’ll discuss of Ragnarok Project Zero New Low Rate Server 5x/5x/5x.

Welcome to Ragnarok Project Zero!

Ragnarok Project: Zero is a low rate (5x/5x/5x) Ragnarok online server, based on the Ragnarok Zero mechanics which originate from the official Korean kRO Zero server. Zero is based on Renewal but with core game mechanics re-balanced and improved. You can learn more about Zero on our dedicated Zero mechanics page.

Ragnarok Project Zero New Low Rate Server 5x/5x/5x

Because Zero is rethinking Ragnarok from the ground up, new content is released progressively in episodes. And this server is following that same process. If you are looking for the most authentic Zero experience with custom mechanics reduced to a minimum, this server is for you. So join this server and experience the journey of Zero together with us!

We’re also aiming to provide a true MMORPG experience for both casual players and most competitive players, to build a healthy community and a chill atmosphere, to provide an environment where casual and RP players can enjoy their activities and competitive players can enjoy hard days of grinding and thrilling guild clashes.

Project: Zero aims at improving user experience to the fullest; it will include both in-game changes, website and tools. We have a Master Account system which removes the burden of remembering tens of account information, as well as a fully featured control panel which also includes Item, Monster and Map databases.

Welcome to Ragnarok Project Zero!

Ragnarok Project Zero – Mechanics

Zero is a new style of Ragnarok mechanics and content, similar to Renewal. In fact, Zero is based on Renewal and extends it further. As of 2020, the only official server that has proper Zero mechanics implemented is kRO Zero.

Part of the Zero strategy is to rethink and revamp the content that is already in the game. To achieve this, Zero has launched with a very limited number of maps and classes, and has been re-releasing content on a regular basis. As a result, Zero currently does not have 3rd classes or some content updates like Veins.

General mechanics

Zero has overhauled some basic game mechanics, for example:

  • When a player dies, they lose 10% of their current level’s EXP (Note: this penalty is reduced to 3% on this server)
  • FLEE does not diminish as quickly anymore when being attacked by multiple monsters
  • The EXP penalty when killing monsters with a higher level has been removed

Gear and Items

Building on top of the heavy focus on equipment in Renewal, Zero adds more variety to their stats with Random Options and introduces a number of new gear progression paths.

Random Options

Ragnarok Project Zero - Mechanics

Some monsters in Midgard now have a chance to drop weapons and armor with additional random stats, called Random Options.

The number of options and their quality depends on the monster’s level and difficulty.

For example, an MVP monster will probably drop more gear with more (and better) options than a Rocker. Check out the separate Random Options article for a complete list of available stats.


Gear is extremely important in Renewal and even more so in Zero

Gear is extremely important in Renewal and even more so in Zero, where the bonuses received from refining gear is increased significantly. The amount of DEF gained from refining armor is up to 10x higher. For more details see Refinement System.

Every place that offers refining services now also has a Thor’s Flame. This NPC can convert and produce various types of minerals useful for upgrading, including e.g. Enriched Elunium and HD Elunium. It also offers a gambling-type item exchange for special minerals like Muscovite.

Fever Fields

Zero introduces a new type of map, called Fever Fields, which are full of strong monsters that drop special equipment, as well as other material used for crafting, e.g. Mithril Ore. The first Fever Fields introduced to Zero are Payon (pay_fild06), Geffen (gef_fild02) and Morocc (moc_fild18). There are always Fever maps inside existing dungeons, such as Glastheim. Check out the full article on Fever Fields for more details.

Dynamic Fields

Dynamic Fields are maps that can show special monsters such as minibosses and champion mobs based on how many monsters of a certain kind are killed. For example, when 200 Rocker are killed on prt_fild04 (regardless of who does it), a Vocal miniboss will spawn somewhere on the map. For a full list refer to the Dynamic Fields article.


In Zero, a lot of existing quests have been redesigned

Another aspect of the game that Zero has improved significantly is the quest system. If you have played RO before, you might remember that the quest experience hasn’t always been that great. You had to rely on vague NPC dialog to figure out where to go, and if you took a break you didn’t know where you left off.

In Zero, a lot of existing quests have been redesigned to make full use of the Quest and Navigation UI, as well as balance the rewards. This greatly improves the experience of both veteran and new players. Zero also introduces a number of new quests and quest lines like Regional Quests and Kingdom Guild Quests.

Kingdom Guild Quests

One questing area that RO players might know is the Eden Group, which still exists to some extent in Zero.

But low-level players now also have a new series of quests to get started after their first job change, which are the Kingdom Guild quests.

The Kingdom Guild offers easy quests that can get you started on equipment and consumables. After you change to your first job, talk to a Kingdom Guild representative in your Job Guild building. Definitely check them out!

Jobs and Skills

One important change in Zero is that players now need to be both Base level 50 and Job level 50 to change to their second job.

Currently, Zero includes second jobs and transcended jobs, as well as Ninja and Kagerou/Oboro. However, it does not have any 3rd classes, Super Novice, or Gunslinger at this point in time.

Also keep in mind that Project Zero is releasing content progressively, so not all of these classes are available yet.

Most of the skills in the game have gone through multiple rounds of rebalancing and adjusting. However, these changes are not exclusive to Zero and are actually part of a global Renewal campaign.

Memorial Dungeons

The concept of instanced dungeons is not new to Ragnarok

The concept of instanced dungeons is not new to Ragnarok, but Zero is starting from scratch by creating a roster of so-called Memorial Dungeons that have progressively higher difficulty.

The rewards from these new Memorial Dungeons are used to create Zero-exclusive Memorial Dungeon gear, sometimes also called Expedition Gear.

Players can start their very first Memorial Dungeon at Level 30 by doing the Poring Village instance.

Master Account

In Ragnarok Project: Zero there’s the Master Account feature in place. In short, it addresses the issue of having to make multiple accounts and/or having to share them with friends.

Master Account and Game Accounts

A Master Account consists of a single unified account which holds a player’s game, forum, wiki accounts (and any future platform that may be added) under just one set of credentials.

Every user is allowed to hold ONE single master account for all of their accounts, in-which they can create an unlimited amount of game accounts, which won’t have a password of their own.

Instead, players will login in through our launcher using their Master Account, select any of their characters or game accounts and then they will be logged in automatically in-game.

Furthermore, Ragnarok Project: Zero’s launcher has a “Remember me” option which keeps you logged in for a 30 days period before needing to login again.

Note – Using disposable emails risks the player’s security and also hurts Ragnarok Project: Zero’s mailing reputation. As such, and the staff won’t provide ANY SORT OF SUPPORT IF A PLAYER LOSES THEIR ACCOUNT FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO USAGE OF DISPOSABLE EMAILS. While Ragnarok Project: Zero is actively blocking the usage of such email providers, the filters won’t always be fully updated. Therefore, usage of such or any similar services will disqualify the player from any support.

Game Accounts

A “Game Account” is the account that holds your characters. Under a Master Account, players are able to create as many Game Accounts as they like.

In one game account only one character can be logged in, but multiple game accounts can be opened at once.

Guest Accounts

Guest Account tackle the issue with sharing accounts and the risks that come with it – chance of items being stolen, characters deleted, etc. –

The Guest Account system allows players to share specific game accounts for a period of time with specific permissions and restrictions.

Through the Control Panel, players can enable Guest Access for one specific game account:

  • Access the game account page
  • Select an account
  • Enable Guest Access
  • Choose the restrictions, time limit and password (different from the Master Account password)

Your friends will be able to access this game account through the Guest login tab in the launcher.

This maintenance was mainly about hardware maintenance. We were focused on a few software updates and changes to cope with the current growth. Not much new content/fixes were applied. These are reserved for the coming maintenance.

Player requests that were labeled for next maintenance in GitLab will be executed in the coming 48 hours.


  • Achievement system including titles is now disabled. The progress is not gone, however the system was adding unnecessary stress on the server and we’re looking for better ways to implement it.
  • Attendance system is enabled. We have an attendance event ending on the 30th of September. Keep in mind that attendance is master account wide and all items are master account bound. For boxes that give items that are rentals, like the Boarding Halter, the item turns character bound after opening the box.
  • Updated MVP Cards and a few other cards to their Zero behavior.
    • Phreeoni Card: Changed equip location to accessory
    • Golden Thief Bug: Changed it to 250 MDEF and 90% reduction in DEF
    • Moonlight Flower: Changed equip location to accessory
    • Doppelganger Card: Changed equip location to accessory and increased ASPD bonus to 15%
    • Osiris Card: Added 20% bonus on received heal
    • Maya card: Changed to 20% Resistance against Ghost and Wind element, 15% increased damage from Fire and Shadow, and 30% tolerance against Demi-human, Player and Brute
    • Dracula changed to have a chance to restore 20 SP every second for 7 seconds
    • Hunterfly changed to have a chance to restore 100 HP every second for 5 seconds
    • Bloody Knight Card: Added 20% chance to stun enemies, and now it also has a chance to Blind, Confuse or Silence enemies hit with Meteor Storm
    • Stormy Knight Card: Changed chance to freeze enemies to 20%, now it also has a chance to Stone Curse, Poison, Blind and Confuse enemies hit with Storm Gust


  • Fixed Adoption menu. It should now show adoption option to parents.
  • Fixed Old Blue Box and Old Purple Box dropping items that should not be dropped in the current episode. Items that dropped from it will be removed next maintenance.

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